Emotional Intelligence

Develop your Emotional Intelligence and become a leader who inspires and motivates in ways that builds trust, creates openness, and fosters authentic interactions.

In addition to being an International Coach Federation (ICF) Certified Coach, Kimberly has multiple other certifications including in the Emotional Intelligence (EI) instruments EQI2.0® and EQ360® as well as from the Academy of Leadership and NLP.

Kimberly incorporates EI awareness and development in her coaching because it changes the conversation about leadership – leadership isn’t being in charge, it’s caring for those on your team so they can be their best self and do their best work. Focusing on developing your EI will deliver results.

Emotional Intelligence

Impact On Success

Top organizations are now investing in EI training and development to give leaders an edge above and beyond intellect. While cognitive intelligence (IQ) is not a good predictor of leadership success, EI is positively correlated. Furthermore, employees were more committed to their organization, performed at a higher level, and invested more effort into a project if their manager had a higher level of EI.

The Good News: Just like the training needed to develop the intellectual and technical skills needed to excel in your field, you can develop your EI and coaching accelerates development.

Richard K. Wagner, “Intelligence, Training, and Employment,” American Psychologist 52, no. 10 (Oct. 1997): 1059-1069.

Robert J. Sternberg, Richard K. Wagner, Wendy M Williams, and Joseph A. Horvath, “Testing Common Sense,” American Psychologist 50, no. 11 (Nov. 1995): 912-927.

Summary of EI Research by Medical Health Systems: (http://downloads.mhs.com/ei/MHS_Brief_ROI.pdf)


EI assessment and training helped in transitioning to a higher level role


EI accounts for 48% of Leadership competency skills


EI assessment score predicted high leadership performance


The Ability of IQ to Predict Job Performance


What Are Other Leaders Saying About The Importance of EI & Coaching

"Get a coach."

Scott Cook (Founder, Intuit); Advice given at the 2015 Harvard Business School Commencement. (12:26-15:12)

"Everyone needs a coach."

Bill Gates (Founder, Microsoft) & Eric Schmidt (CEO, Google); Advice from two of the most successful leaders in the world

“No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.”

Theodore Roosevelt (26th President of the United States)

"75 percent of careers are derailed for reasons related to emotional competencies, including inability to handle interpersonal problems; unsatisfactory team leadership during times of difficulty or conflict; or inability to adapt to change or elicit trust."

Center for Creative Leadership

“In my 35 years in business, I have always trusted my emotions. I have always believed that by touching emotion you get the best people to work with you, the best clients to inspire you, the best partners and most devoted customers.”

Kevin Roberts (CEO, Saatchi & Saatchi)

“Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection, and influence.”

Robert K. Cooper, PhD (neuroscientist, New York Times bestselling author)

"In order to excel, leaders need to develop a balance of strengths across the suite of EI competencies. When they do that, excellent business results follow."

Harvard Business Review Article: Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On? By Daniel Goleman and Richard E. Boyatzis, February 06, 2017.

"If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far."

Daniel Goleman (Co-Director of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations at Rutgers University)

“Emotional intelligence is as important, if not more important, than other types of intelligence. Invest in building yourself as a person and learning how to understand other’s motivations. Learn to manage your own emotions and interpret others.”

Rachel ten Brink (cofounder and chief marketing officer, Scentbird and Deck of Scarlet)

Let’s talk!

Email me if you are interested in learning more about coaching and emotional intelligence. I’ll respond as soon as possible.

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