The 90/30 Challenge to SuperHuman Productivity

The 90/30 Challenge to SuperHuman Productivity

The 90/30 Challenge to SuperHuman Productivity

The human body operates on cycles called “ultradian rhythms.” According to research, during each of these cycles, there is a peak when we are most energized and a period when we are exhausted. People who work with instead of against their ultradian rhythm perform better. It’s critical that we acknowledge our body’s natural rhythms and align our periods of work and relaxation with them to work in a sustainable productive way.

Article Credit: Thrive Global, by Thomas Oppong on June 26, 2017.

To read the full article click here.

Setting Goals Isn’t Enough: Setting Daily Intentions Will Change Your Life

Setting Goals Isn’t Enough: Setting Daily Intentions Will Change Your Life

Setting Goals Isn’t Enough: Setting Daily Intentions Will Change Your Life

“Voicing intentions will take your mind off of your problems and perceived limitations. Instead, it will place your focus on something that will have a positive impact on your life. Clearly stating how you intend to feel today instead of wishing that you felt better puts the power of change in your own hands.”

Article Credit: The Inc. Life, by Marla Tabaka on July 11, 2016.

Image Credit: Getty Images.

To read the full article click here.

Benefits of Using a Coach

Benefits of Using a Coach

Benefits of Using a Coach

“Professional coaching brings many wonderful benefits: fresh perspectives on personal challenges, enhanced decision-making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence. And, the list does not end there. Those who undertake coaching also can expect appreciable improvement in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the attainment of relevant goals.”

Source: ICF Global Coaching Client Study was commissioned by the ICF but conducted independently by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

To read the full article click here.

How to Be Awesome

How to Be Awesome

How to Be Awesome

“One way to create awesomeness is to break out of the role and express yourself to them in a way that gives them an opportunity to express themselves. Crack a joke, compliment them or the drink they made, ask a kind question, or simply sincerely thank them. Of course, there are many ways we can fail at this! But when was the last time you gave someone a gift just because, had a nice chat with a stranger, or went out of your way to cook a special meal? We are awesome when we break out of our norms and routines to create these opportunities for shared expression and appreciation.”

Article Credit: Scientific American, by Gareth Cook on September 19, 2017

Image Credit: Viking/Penguin Books.

To read the full article click here.

How do you eat an elephant?

How do you eat an elephant?

How do you eat an elephant?

“Fortunately, a colleague gave me the concept of chunking. He asked me how many pages I had to write. Answer: 180. How many days to write it? Answer: 90. He told me that every day my “To Do” list should say: Write 2 pages of book. I must write two pages. If I got on a roll, I could write four or five. However, the next day, I still had to write a minimum of two. By following his advice, I finished the book in thirty days!”

Article Credit: International Coach Federation Blog, by Dr. Tony Alessandra on June 29, 2016.

To read the full article click here.