13 Things Science Says Will Make You Much Happier

13 Things Science Says Will Make You Much Happier

13 Things Science Says Will Make You Much Happier

“The breakthrough in Dr. Lyubomirsky’s research is that you can make yourself happier—permanently. Lyubomirsky and others have found that our genetic set point is responsible for only about 50% of our happiness, life circumstances affect about 10%, and a whopping 40% is completely up to us. The large portion of your happiness that you control is determined by your habits, attitude, and outlook on life.”

Article Credit: Scientific American, by Dr. Travis Bradberry on June 21, 2017.

Image Credit: Getty Images.

To read the full article click here.

Win The War For Top Talent: Why Leaders Should Build A Coaching Culture In Their Organization

Win The War For Top Talent: Why Leaders Should Build A Coaching Culture In Their Organization

Win The War For Top Talent: Why Leaders Should Build A Coaching Culture In Their Organization

“Google is one example of a company known for creating an exceptional environment that drives employee engagement. Applying its data analytics to its people decisions, Google found that “periodic one-on-one coaching … [was] ranked as the no. 1 key to being a successful leader.””

Article Credit: Forbes, by Jen Roberts on July 7, 2017.

Image Credit:Shutterstock.

To read the full article click here.

Life Coaching In The Digital Age

Life Coaching In The Digital Age

Life Coaching In The Digital Age

“While so much has come out of the web, with both its pros and cons, today, for those that are willing to cut through the proverbial noise, life coaching offers a shortcut to achieving your dreams. It offers the clichéd “life hack,” or an alternative approach, to increased productivity and lessened attention to distractions.”

Article Credit: Forbes, by R.L. Adams on May 10, 2017.

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

To read the full article click here.

Mentoring Versus Coaching: What’s the Difference?

Mentoring Versus Coaching: What’s the Difference?

Mentoring Versus Coaching: What’s the Difference?

“Sometimes people use the words “mentoring” and “coaching” interchangeably, but they do not describe the same type of working relationship. Both share basic organizational goals including employee learning and development that leads to peak performance, and the realization of full potential. However, the definition, focus, role, approach, and tools of each are different.”

Article Credit: Association for Talent Development, by Annabelle Reitman, Sylvia Ramirez Benatti on August 08, 2014.

To read the full article click here.

Inside the Psychology of Productivity

Inside the Psychology of Productivity

Inside the Psychology of Productivity

“Many consider procrastination a moral failing, a weakness of will. But Timothy Pychyl, a professor of psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, calls procrastination an “emotion-centered coping strategy.” He suggests that if you understand what’s motivating (or–more accurately–demotivating) you, you can begin to address it. “Many of these emotions are not conscious,” says Pychyl. “So the first step is to have some awareness of how you are feeling. ‘Why do I keep not wanting to do this?'”

Article Credit: By Leigh Buchanan, Editor-at-large, Inc. magazine on Feb 18, 2015.

Image Credit: Joon Mo Kang.

To read the full article click here.