3 Elements That Will Set Your Brand Apart

3 Elements That Will Set Your Brand Apart

3 Elements That Will Set Your Brand Apart

“In a busy world, people aren’t going to spend a lot of time evaluating your ideas if they’re not sure you’re credible. The fastest way to establish that is to lasso yourself to brands they already recognize, whether it’s blogging for a name-brand publication, becoming a leader of your professional association, etc.”

Article Credit: Inc, by Dorie Clark, Duke professor on February 21, 2017.

Image Credit: Getty Images.

To read the full article click here.

The Neuroscience of Strategic Leadership

The Neuroscience of Strategic Leadership

The Neuroscience of Strategic Leadership

“Neuroscientists and psychologists are beginning to learn what happens at moments of choice inside the human mind (the locus of mental activity) and the brain (the physical organ associated with that activity). If you understand these dynamics and how they affect you and those around you, you can set a course toward more effective patterns of thinking and action.”

Article Credit: Strategy+Business, by Jeffrey Schwartz, Josie Thomson, and Art Kleiner on December 5, 2016.

Image Credit: Illustration by James Yang.

To read the full article click here.

Talk Yourself Right Into a Job

Talk Yourself Right Into a Job

Talk Yourself Right Into a Job

Yes, communication is crucial. But unlike the innate gift of gab, you can develop the career communication skills you need. With attention, practice, and some self-awareness, you’ll be in good shape to make your communication skills work for you at various steps throughout your job search and career development path.

Article Credit: Science Careers, by David G. Jensen on 

Image Credit: julief514/iStockphoto.

To read the full article click here.

Career Trends: Transferring Your Skills

Career Trends: Transferring Your Skills

Career Trends: Transferring Your Skills

“You’ve successfully navigated your way through grad school or your postdoc until you’ve hit a roadblock: For either personal or professional reasons, you have to switch fields, jobs, or even a new career. Now what? Well, dear reader, you are more mobile than you think.”

Article Credit: Science Careers, from the Journal of Science AAAS, copyright 2016. This booklet is available online at sciencecareers.org/booklets. Editor: Allison Pritchard | Copyeditor: Bob French | Designer: Amy Hardcastle

To read the full article click here.

Memo to the CEO: Are you the source of workplace dysfunction?

Memo to the CEO: Are you the source of workplace dysfunction?

Memo to the CEO: Are you the source of workplace dysfunction?

“The bigger the gap between how we see ourselves and how others see us, the worse our relationships tend to get, so there is a big payoff for coming to grips with how others perceive us. To get there, however, you need people who know you and who won’t sugarcoat the truth, and to seek and accept candid feedback from them.”

Article Credit: McKinsey Quarterly, by Robert I. Sutton, 

To read the full article click here.